Alejandro Pau is a spanish actor who was born in Valencia, where he started to study drama through theatre workshops at the age of eleven. His artistical sensitivity increased with painting, a field where he is also specialized. While he was studying in the Lycée Français of Valencia he participated in several international commercials, as well as the shortfilm "Observatorio de la convivencia escolar".
After receiving the french Baccalaureate, he obtained L.I.A.M.'s diploma (International Laboratory of the Actor in Movement) in 'Teatro de los Manantiales'. Then he moved to Madrid , beeing admited in the Acting Degree in R.E.S.A.D. (Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático), finishing his studies in 2014.
Throughout his career, he has been completing his training with recognised personalities in theatre such as Eugenio Barba, Jorge Eines and Ángel Gutiérrez.
2010 - present
2010 - present